Research and Development
MaiTRIX conducts advanced research and development of modular computation hardware capable of benefiting the following computer technology and applications:
Scalar co-processors – our co-processor technologies can accelerate many numerically intense applications to offload your binary CPU, including matrix calculations, simulations and cryptography.
AI acceleration – Our pipeline computation technologies enable faster, more efficient and precise acceleration of neural network training and inference processing for AI and CNN applications.
Space and high-reliability – Our error correction technologies provide enhanced, efficient and accurate error detection and correction without resorting to older schemes using triplicate hardware resources.
Real-world benefits now!
Unlike quantum computers which cannot perform digital arithmetic, modular computation provides real digital arithmetic processing and can therefore be programmed to perform standard algorithms and applications similar to binary number algorithms.
Real Digital Arithmetic – Modular computation allows us to revisit and rethink older algorithms and create and adapt new algorithms.
Results Orientated – Modular computation is delivering significant performance in FPGA’s now, it’s not a hopeful strategy of tomorrow.
Not just performance – modular computation provides a new way to understand numbers, and provides many other benefits for arithmetic computation not possible with binary.
Out of the box
It’s difficult to view arithmetic processing as anything different than manipulation of fixed-radix numbers, or anything different than a machine performing binary arithmetic. MaiTRIX is tearing down these faulty perceptions everyday!
Non fixed-radix – Modular computation is not fixed-radix math! Its based on prior art fields of residue numbers and modular arithmetic but capable of performing useful general purpose computation!
Carry free – Carry free arithmetic was considered as only benefiting speed of operation. Today we now know it impacts far more metrics! Error correction, extreme efficiency, perfect representations and high accuracy are among the new benefits discovered.
The next leap – Binary arithmetic is extremely important, but it’s like sticks and stones up against modular computation! We predict even quantum computer researchers will soon realize that modular computation has significant benefits versus fixed-radix binary!
We can’t do it alone!
Advancing the mathematics and the practical implementation of modular computation was the first step; but breaking down the perceptual barriers is the next step! We need funding to get this accomplished!
Corporate Investments – Billions of dollars are currently being invested in quantum computing without any hope of performing real digital number arithmetic anytime soon. Yet modular computation performs real digital arithmetic and may even be adopted by quantum computers in the future! But we need the help of corporate donations and investments to make it happen. With modular computation receiving zero in funding dollars while quantum computing is receiving billions, we think there is a real inequity that must be resolved.
Private Investors – Our mission is like no other. Typical VC’s need to see return on investment in only a few years with a well understood paradigm. But scaling modular computation is unique, and will require a small amount of faith, but much less so than quantum computing! Unlike quantum computing, modular computation is real digital arithmetic and is here now; but our IP requires the scaling provided by ASIC and custom IC circuitry. So we’re looking for forward thinking investors and corporations involved in custom IC design that seek the advantages of a new computational paradigm!
Young designers and researchers – Our technology is often ignored by the big corporations and the “older generation”, but we’ve found the younger generation is quite receptive to our technology. We’re certain the key to our future is with young, emerging scientists, mathematicians and engineers that are capable of thinking out of the box!
Help Us Deliver The Future Of Computing
We are a multi-disciplinary company committed to applying modular computation to Artificial Intelligence